We are very lucky to have among our forefathers a number of people who served in the American Revolution. There are
probably a lot more, so we'll keep looking and listing and ask that you let us know of any we might have omitted. Updates in orange.

McCarter/Hatcher Ancestors
who served in the Revolution
- James Ownby (father of John III, grandfather of Mary who was mother of Thomas Hill McCarter)
- William Ogle (Old Billy) married Martha Jane Huskey
- Dr. Martin Shultz (father of Julia Ann who was mother of Daniel Wesley Reagan)
- Moses McCarter (father of William also father of John and James--but John and James are
just relatives, not ancestors. also father of Moses, Jr., War of 1812 vet)
- Timothy Reagan (father of Richard, grandfather of Daniel Wesley)
- William Crowson (father of Mary Elizabeth Crowson, mother of Reuben Hatcher who was Mamaw's
great grandfather)
- John Fouracres (father of Mary Ann who was grandmother of Richard Reagan, Papaw's grandfather)
(Actually Fouracres served in the pre-Revolution Colonial Militia)
- William Sims (father of Joanna Sims who was mother of John Ownby III, great grandfather
of Papaw. John Ownby III served in the War of 1812)
- William Hatcher (1668-1736/37) (grandson of William Hatcher, first of our Hatchers in the
colonies; Mamaw's 7 gr grandfather)
- John MacAnturff (son of Johannes Meckendorfer) (Note:
One McInturff family website reports that there are over 250 variations of the spelling changes from Meckendorfer
to McInturff.)
- Joseph Sitton (gg grandfather of Susan Sutton, Mamaw's mother)
- William Magill (grandfather of Samuel who was father of Martha, wife of Reuben Hatcher,
Sr.) (actually in pre-Rev. colonial militia)
- William Magill (father of Samuel and grandfather of Martha, wife
of Reuben Hatcher, Sr.)
- Samuel Magill (father of Martha, wife of Reuben Hatcher, Sr.
(Of special interest: Moses, John, and James McCarter
were all members of Marion's Rangers, [or Marion's Brigade], led by Brigadier General Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox.
William Sims was a member of Hogg's Rangers, led by Captain Peter Hogg. It is likely that Dr. Martin Shultz
was the only Patriot doctor present at the Battle of King's Mountain. He was one of the Overmountain Men) .
Jeffrey Beck, Sr. was a member of the "Regulators," a North Carolina pre-Revolutionary
War group, that rose in protest against corrupt British practices before the "real" war broke out. He was at the Battle
of Alamance where the British handily defeated the some 2,000 ill-organized colonists.
McCarter/Hatcher Relatives
who served in the Revolution
(The first six generations of "our" Hatchers in American are confusing because
of repeated names. To clarify the following list, the first six generations will be referred to by numbers: William
(1), Edward (2), William (3), William (4), Edward (5), and William (6))
- John McCarter (son of Moses)
- James McCarter (son of Moses)
- Hercules Ogle (brother of Old Billly)
- John William Huskey (son of John Frederick, brother of Peter and Martha Jane)
(served under Captain William Sims, our ancestor)
- John Ogle (brother of Old Billy)
- Thomas Ogle, Jr. (brother of Old Billy--based on family tradition only)
- Obidiah Hatcher. Son of William (4), brother of Edward (5)
- Joshiah Hatcher. Brother of Edward (5)
- Frederick McKanturf Son of Johannes and Roseannah Meckendorfer
- David McInturf Son of Johannes and Roseannah Meckendorfer
- Philip Daniel Stentz Son of Heinrich Stentz, brother of Juliana
- John Leondid Stentz Son of Heinrich, brother of Juliana
- John Peter Snyder Son-in-law of Heinrich Stentz, husband of Maria
Catherina Elizabeth Stentz
- Anthony Snider Son in law of Heinrich Stentz. husband of
Judith Stentz (Judith was his third wife)
- Capt. Benjamin Hatcher Son of Jeremiah, Grandson of Benjamin,
Sr, and Great grandson of William Hatcher 1
- Benjamin Hatcher, Sr. Son of William Hatcher 1 (Actually, Benjamin
served in the Pre-Revolution Colonial (VA) militia.
- Jeremiah Ragan Brother of Timothy Ragan and son of either
John or Timothy, Jr.
- Richard Ragan Brother of Timothy Ragan and son of either John
or Timothy, Jr.
- Darby Ragan Brother of Timothy Ragan and son of either John or
Timothy, Jr.
- Jonathan Ragan Brother of Timothy Ragan and son of either John
or Timothy, Jr.
- Frederick Hatcher Son of William Hatcher III
- Major John Hatcher Son of William Hatcher III
- Clement Dunkelberger, Jr. Son of Clemens, brother of Anna Maria
- Benjamin Coffey Grandson of Edward Coffey, nephew of Martha "Patsy"
- James Coffey Grandson of Edward Coffey, nephew of Martha "Patsy"
- John Sitton Son of John Sitton, brother of Joseph Sitton
- William Sitton Son of John Sitton, brother Joseph Sitton
- Christopher Sitton Son of John Sitton, brother of Joseph Sitton
- Jeffrey Beck, Jr. Brother of Diannah Beck Sitton
- Tobias Weigant, Jr. Son of Tobias, grandson of Michael Weigant
- Martin Weigant Son of Tobias, grandson of Michael Weigant
- Martin Weigant, Jr. Son of Martin, great grandson of Michael Weigant
- Johan Peter Schultz. Brother of Dr. Martin Schultz, son of Johan
Velten Schultz.
- Thomas Walker. Father of Rebecca Walker Hatcher,
- Capt. James Magill. Brother of William 2
- Col. Thomas Jefferson Dillard. Merry Webb, II's son-in-law
McCarter/Hatcher Loyalist Relatives in
the Revolution
- Lieutenant Daniel
DeWalt, Jr. Son of Daniel DeWalt, Sr. Brother
of Mary DeWalt Koon
- Col. Beverley Robinson. Son of the Honorable John Robinsn of VA
- Lt. Col. Beverley Robinson. Son of Col. Beverley Robinson
McCarter/Hatcher Ancestors: War
of 1812
- Thomas J. Ogle. Son of "Old Billy"
- Israel McInturff Son of Christopher
McCarter/Hatcher Relatives: War of 1812
- Moses McCarter, Jr.
Son of Moses
- Samuel Lee Hatcher. Nephew of Edward (5)
- Julian W. Hatcher. 1795-1882
- Obadiah Hatcher
- Capt. Benjamin Hatcher Son of Jeremiah Grandson of Benjamin,
Sr, and Great grandson of William Hatcher (1)
- Adam Fox, III 1794-1864 Son of Adam Fox, Jr
- Joseph Keeler 1784-1887 (lived to be 103) Son in law of
Adam Fox, Jr.
- John Ownby, Jr 1781-1859 Son of John
"One generation plants the trees; another sits in the shade."--Chinese proverb
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