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General Robert E. Lee, CSA

General Ulysses S. Grant, USA

McCarter Civil War Veterans(updates in  orange)

Although TN was part of the Confederacy, those who lived in East TN tended to support the Union.   County lore says that the vote in Gatlinburg, where our ancestors lived, had only one vote cast for secession; everyone else voted to remain in the Union.  The vote was 1302 to 1. (Other sources say that 4 % of the county voted for secession.  The Union sympathies were so high that the county was nicknamed "Little Massachusetts.") 

(On the other hand, our family is related to John H. Reagan, Postmaster General of the Confederacy and for a short time, Secretary of the Confederate Treasury.  He and his family moved to Texas quite a while before the Civil War.  Some of his sons served in  the Confederate Army from Texas.  John H. Reagan was Eli's mother's cousin.) In all, only 30,000 men served in Union troops from TN  whereas 100,000 served in the Confederate troops.  Sevier County Confederates often  had problems with their fellow soldiers from other parts of the South because of the Union sympathies associated with Sevier Co. 

McCarter Relatives who served in the Civil War
(Partial Listing)
The Federal Units from Sevier Co., TN included Cos. B, E, I, K, and M of the 2nd TN Cavalry; Cos. K, L, M, of the 9th TN Cavalry, Co. K 2nd TN Infantry; Misc. Cos. of the 6th TN Infantry, and the Sevier Co. National Guard
The Confederate Units from Sevier Co., TN included Co. I 37th Infantry and Co A 39th TN Infantry
Union Forces (McCarter)
Most of these McCarter relatives are cousins of Eli's father, which would make them Eli's first cousins once removed.  The exact relationship for each will be forthcoming.
("Not verified" means kinship not completely established yet--On one list, but not another)
Aaron W. McCarter (1842-1873)  Co B 2nd TN Inf.  Sergeant  Enlisted at age 18  Son of Joseph and Nancy Reagan McCarter.  Named his first son Ulysses Grant McCarter
Alfred McCarter (1837-1912)  Co K. 10th TN Inf.  Son of Thomas and Mary Ownby McCarter.  First Cousin once removed
David McCarter (1844-1929)  Co I  3rd TN Cav, Private,   Enlisted at age 18, Son of John and Nancy Anderson McCarter. First cousin once removed
Isaac McCarter (1841-1863) Co. B 2nd TN Cav. Private, Enlisted at age 21,  Son of James and Edna Abbott McCarter.  Died at Battle of Kingston, TN. First Cousin Once Removed
James McCarter (1840-1864) 2nd TN Cav.  died of variola while home on furlough.  Son of Jeremiah and Nancy Hollingsworth McCarter.First Cousin Once Removed.
James C. McCarter (1842-1864)  Co B 8th TN Mounted Inf.  1st Corporal   Enlisted at age 20 (Not verified)
James H. McCarter (1840-1864)  Co I   2nd TN Cav.  Son of Jeremiah M. and Elizabeth L. McCarter.  Died of smallpox First Cousin Once Removed
John McCarter (1844-1862)  Co. I  2nd Cav. Private.  Enlisted at age 18 in Sept; died in Dec. (Not verified) 
John McCarter (1844-?) Co H 5th TN Cav   Private  Enlisted at age 18 (Not verified)
John W. McCarter  ( 1837-?)  Co B 8th Mounted Inf. Private, Enlisted at age 28  (Not verified)
Joseph H. McCarter (1838-1905) Co K  9th TN Cav. Private   Enlisted at age25  Son of John and Nancy Anderson McCarter  POW.  Died in war.  First Cousin Once Removed
Josiah McCarter (1830-1863) Co I,  2nd TN Cav. Private, Enlisted at age 32.  Son of John and Nancy Anderson McCarter Died in war.   First Cousin Once Removed
Mack Lafayette McCarter (1840-1916)  Cos. H & E  9th TN Cav.  Son of Thomas and Mary Ownby McCarter   minister  First Cousin Once Removed
Timothy McCarter ( 1836-?) Co K 19th Inf.  Private.  Enlisted at age 26. (Not verified.)
William R. McCarter.  (1844- 1865)  Co I  2nd TN Cav.  Sergeant.  Enlisted at age 18.  died in war.  (Not verified)

Union Forces (Hatcher)
Elijah L. Hatcher ( 1827-  ?    )  2nd TN Cav.  Son of Reuben and Martha McGill Hatcher    Betsy's uncle
James Hatcher  (1838- after 1900)  2nd (or 9th) TN Cav   Rank Pvt.  Son of Reuben and Martha McGill Hatcher.  Betsy's Grandfather
Reuben Hatcher (1833-1901)  Co E 1st TN Light Artillery   Son of Reuben and Martha McGill Hatcher.  Betsy's Uncle

David Hatcher  (?-?)  Co F 3rd TN Mounted Infantry


James Hatcher (1837-?)  Co. D 2nd TN Cavalry    Rank Pvt.    Enlisted at age 25 in 1862.  Disabled in 1864


Jesse Hatcher   (? -?)  Co D 3rd TN  Cavalry.   Rank Pvt.    Enlisted in 1862.  Died April 16, 1863


Joseph A. (W.) Hatcher  (1842-?)  Co. D. 2nd TN Cavalry    Rank Corporal.  Enlisted in 1862 at age 20


Reuben (Rubin) Hatcher (?-?)  Co B. 6th TN Light Cavalry


Richard Hatcher  (1838-?)  Co. D. 1st TN Cavalry    Rank Pvt.    Enlisted in 1863 at age 25


William M. Hatcher (?-?)  Co D. 2nd TN Cavalry


William D. Hatcher  (1818-?)  Co. B 12th TN Cavalry     Rank Pvt.    Enlisted in 1863 at age 45


(A note of interest:  At 66 years of age, Elija Hatcher [19 Jul 1798-19 Feb 1864] was too old to fight as a soldier in the war. However, he was shot and killed by Rebel bushwhackers in Miller's Cove in Blount County, TN while he was out chopping firewood.  Elija was the son of William Hatcher 6--see note on Revolutionary War page about Hatcher names--and the husband of Rebecca Walker [19 Aug 1802-5 Dec 1887]  Both are buried in Miller's Cove Cemetery, Blount Co., TN)


Civil War Soldier and Sailor System. htm
Hilton, Robert L.  The Little Cathedral in the Smokies, 1983
McCarter, Hatcher, Reagan, Huskey, Ogle Family Group Sheets
Nostalgiaville.com/TN history.htm
Reagan, Donald B.  Smoky Mountain Clans, Vol. I, II, rev. ed., 1983
Smokykin. com htm
TN Genealogical Records, TN State Library and Archives

"Older men declare war.  But it is youth who must fight and die."--Herbert Hoover

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